Saturday, July 28, 2007

kitchen painting

The kitchen has been painted. I did the bordering by brush (free hand of course) of the walls and my sister in law did the rolling on the remaining area of the walls.

porch posts, cement fix

Before. There is a trench around the wooden post, which is a problem because the water accumulates and causes the post to rot. It also holds the water during the winter and freezes which causes the cement to break.

So I added cement to fill the trenches and build it up to create a slope so that the water (summer and winter) can drain away from the wooden posts preventing rot and the cement breaking from freezing water in the winter.


The first half of the mudroom has been primed and painted, including the floor. The refrigerator is back in place. The light switch, outlet have been replaced.

The second half of the mudroom, has been primed. The cement floor has been scrubbed clean. And the closet has been bleached.

master bedroom, ceiling (done)

The ceiling in the master bedroom has been patched and entirely painted. Not perfect, but looks better than before.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

water drainage piping

Because of Hydro using perforated 4 inch flexible pipe underground to run the main power wire to the house, every spring some of the snow melt from the front yard ends up in the basement because the 4 inch pipe fills up with water and overflows near the basement wall.

So I decided to attach a 1 1/2 inch diameter flexible pipe to the 4 inch Hydro flexible pipe to have the water flow in the 1 1/2 inch pipe instead of overflowing the 4 inch pipe avoiding water in the basement.

The pipe is trenched where it will spill into the old well.

The trench is now covered up.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

front porch

The plan is to envelop the upper wooden section of the post support with new materials. I removed the old aluminum cladding covering the posts. I have also removed the left most section of railing to make way for a single step leading to the porch.

The removed materials.

This is what the post looked like before removing the aluminum cladding.

Dining room picture window

Needed to scrape the loose paint off of the picture window in the dining room. As you can see there was much loose paint.

All scraped with much bare wood.

After 1 st coat of oil primer.

After 1st coat of oil paint.

patching downstairs washroom, done

The patching of the 2 large rectangular cut outs has been primed and painted.
Turned out to blend in perfectly with existing paint. Can not see any evidence of the cut outs.