Wednesday, June 20, 2007

bedroom #2 on west wing new flooring

The new pine plank flooring installed.

Threshold at entrance.

Threshold at closet.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

bedroom #2 on West wing

Before picture of floor without old rug, which I already removed.

After having installed the new underlay for flooring.

Closet threshold.

Entrance threshold.

Started to remove the wallpaper but realized that too much work is involved being that there are so many layers.
1st top layer is wallpaper (flowery strips)
2nd layer is wallpaper (larger flowers with green leaves)
3rd layer is paint (pink)
4th layer is wallpaper (grayish with fern leaves)
5th last layer is fuzzy wallboard (brown paper)
Time to rethink the wall treatment.

Monday, June 18, 2007

completions and beginnings

West wing hallway painted and new light fixture.

East wing hallway painted and new light fixtures.

Bedroom #2 on the west wing has been emptied of furniture in preparation of much renovation. More pictures to come.